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الجشعمي 10-04-2011 02:29 PM

رد: بيان بإسم منتديات قبيلة الجشعم الرسمية
هذه القصه نهديها اليكم عسى ان تحللو وتتعرفو على انسابكم
دوت كم
؟؟؟؟؟من اجل ان نعرف نعمة الله علينا بالاسلام الذي حرم الزنا هاكم هذه القصة من موقع شركة FTDNA

Submitted by Jim Miller

My father was born Carl Rhoads Jr. in Texas and never met or even knew his father's name until he was an adult. His mother was in another relationship when he was an infant and called my father James Miller after that man. Her history with men wasn't very good and my father never had a father in his life. Unfortunately he passed away in 2007, never even certain whether Carl Rhoads who may have been his father really was based on his mother's lifestyle. After my dad passed, I read a story in AARP and then saw a TV story about DNA testing and decided this would be the way to give my dad a history even if a little too late to do him any good. I turned up an exact genetic match at 37 markers 0 distance to another Rhoads. He had a family tree with only one Carl Rhoads in the tree born in Oklahoma but raised in Texas where my father was born. More research resulted in a great family tree which included a large number of famous relatives. My father never had much of a family, and I know he always regretted not having any roots. I started my search to honor my dad and have a feeling he rests a little more at peace now that he has roots.

الخلاصة هذا الرجل يحكي قصة والده الذي حملت به امه عندما كانت على علاقه مع رجل آخر وبعد ولادته اسمته على اسم عشيقها. وظل لا يعرف اسم والده الى ان اصبح رجلا كبيرا وعاش ولم يقابل أباه وكان لذلك أثر على حياته. الابن الذي يقص هذه القصه رأى اعلان عن الفحص بعد وفاة والده وتقدم للفحص وظهر تطابق تام مع شخص آخر وبعد التواصل تعرف على عائلة والده واكتشف ان له اقارب مشاهير. يقول الابن بدأت بحثي لتكريم والدي بعد موته واشعر انه الآن ينام بسلام بعد اكتشاف اصوله.

هذه القصه اهديها لمن هو محبط لانه لم يتوصل الى الجد رقم 100 او 70 او 50 او حتى 30 و20.

الحمدلله على نعمة الاسلام وصيانة الاعراض والانساب.

الساعة الآن 03:56 PM

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